Building Info
Building and Project Information
Follow the links below to find out more about Mountain Lakes District zoning regulations and download permit forms for your project!
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Mountain Lakes Planning Board normally meets on the third Thursday of each month. Your MLD Zoning Permit application package (with fees) must be turned in at least 14 days before the meeting at which you wish it to be considered!
Regulatory Documents & FAQs (Read these first!)
Where to Start on Any and ALL Projects:
Mountain Lakes is a village district within the Town of Haverhill, NH. Before starting our ZONING permit process, you need to apply for a Haverhill BUILDING permit as it will be a required part of your MLD application packet.
Complete the form below and send it (with fee payment) to the Haverhill Town Office (the address is on the form).
Zoning Permit
At or about the same time, you can apply for the Mountain Lakes ZONING permit. As a minimum for all MLD applications, you will need to complete each of the following:
Zoning Permit Application & Fees
Zoning Permit Fees (effective Jan. 1, 2022)
You will also need to provide a dimensioned plot plan drawing showing the location of any current structure(s) on the lot along with the location (with overall dimensions and setback distances) of your proposed structure. Septic location, street names, and cardinal north should be noted on the plot plan. NHDES Dock approval and/or NH Wetlands approval will also be required if applicable. More documentation may be required by the Mountain Lakes Planning Board depending on your project.
New Home Construction
In addition to the above, new home permit applications will also need to complete a Water Tariff and Application for Water Service and provide the following documentation:
A signed Haverhill driveway permit,
A professional lot survey,
Building floor plan, exterior plan, and building elevations
A septic design plan with state letter of approval.
NHDES Dock approval and/or NH Wetlands approval will also be required if applicable.
More documentation may be required by the Mountain Lakes Planning Board depending on your project.